Saturday, April 11, 2009

YASM 0.8.0 Release

YASM 0.8.0 昨天(4/11) 正式發行, 我之前一直期待TASM 的語法, 總算放上來了, 不過還沒時間試, 而且也習慣沒有TASM 語法了..!

- Update AVX and FMA to latest Intel specifications (contributed by Mark Charney, Intel).
看到這行很感動, YASM 對於AVX 的support 很快, 快到有點詭異, 我就覺的很怪, 原來是intel 直接support

Yasm 0.8.0 下載

Change log
- Add TASM basic syntax and frontend (contributed by Samuel Thibault).
- Add movbe instruction and CPU feature.
- Use UNIX (not Windows) path functions on CygWin platform.
- Don't require 0d/0e/0f/0t prefix on floating point numbers in GAS.
- Legalize effective addresses such as [eax*2+ebx*2-ebx].
- Allow @ signs in identifiers in win32/win64 GAS syntax.
- Update AVX and FMA to latest Intel specifications (contributed by
Mark Charney, Intel).
- Update code alignment opcodes for modern processors, make
configurable using CPU directive (contributed by Brian Gladman).
- Fix referencing of local label from line that defines nonlocal label.
- Default memory size to "s" for no-suffix FP conversions in GAS.
- Other bugfixes.

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