Sunday, December 09, 2007

Nasm 2.0 Release

Nasm 2.0 在11/30 Release 了, 其實11月以來就一直可以看到最後修正的CVS一直上傳, 我是大概知道更新了什麼,不過怪的事nasm網頁老是不寫出Changelog, 總是覺的很怪, 不過這一天再看alt.lang.asm上看到Frank 咧出changelog 了, 所以記錄一下吧.

FWIW, here's the full "CHANGES" for 2.00 (thanks Chuck!):

* Added c99 data-type compliance.
* Added general x86-64 support.
* Added win64 (x86-64 COFF) output format.
* Added __BITS__ standard macro.
* Renamed the elf output format to elf32 for clarity.
* Added elf64 and macho (MacOS X) output formats.
* Added Numeric constants in DQ directive.
* Added oword, do and reso pseudo operands.
* Added 8-bit floating-point format.
* Correct the generation of floating-point constants.
* Added Floating-point option control.
* Added Infinity and NaN floating point support.
* Added ELF Symbol Visibility support.
* Added Setting OSABI value in ELF header directive.
* Added Generate Makefile Dependencies option.
* Added Unlimited Optimization Passes option.
* Added %IFN and %ELIFN support.
* Added Logical Negation Operator.
* Enhanced Stack Relative Preprocessor Directives.
* Enhanced ELF Debug Formats.
* Enhanced Send Errors to a File option.
* Added SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, SSE5 support.
* Added a large number of additional instructions.
* Significant performance improvements.


最主要的改進應該算是x86-64的加入吧, 這樣正是yasm興起的主因, 而我比較在意的SSSE3到SSE5 全面補齊, 不過以目前來看,明年初的45nm 的CPU release 只有到SSE4.1 而已, SSE4.2 與SSE5 支援的感覺上有點是刻意補齊功能與yasm對抗

Nasm 2.0 下載

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